So seeing as though it is coming up to Christmas, I thought I would write about a few items of make-up that I usually use around the festive period and came across the Snowglobe MAC make-up palette which I got as a present last christmas.
I love this palette but some of the colours in the palette I would literally only use around Christmas time due to it being a festive type of palette.
I think the only way to show you how I would use these colours is through photos as you can't capture the image of the colours by me just telling you about them!
Even though this palette came out last Christmas I do think you can buy these colours on their own from most MAC stores, the colours in this palette are:
Festive Delight
Black Tied
Shadowy Lady
The first look I do from the palette is done by using the colours Lightfully and Festive Delight, I cover my eyelid all the way up to the brow with Lightfully brightening the whole of my lid and then add Festive Delight into the corners of my eye to give a light smokey eye affect and finish off my adding liquid eyeliner and mascara.
The second look is by using Fun! and Shadowy Lady, it is quite similar to the first but with different colours, covering the eyelid again with Fun! all the way up to the brow and then adding Shadowy Lady to the corner of the eye to get the smoky eye effect and sometimes I also add Trax to the inner corner of my eye for a bit of highlight.
Last but not least this is the most popular look I do from the palette it works well for either evening or everyday, its also very similar to the first look, cover the eyelid with Lightfully and just add Black Tied to the outer corner of the eye, and smudge as you go further to the nose to get a gradual black smokey eye effect. Just add mascara.